By Elise Hawthorne
Joseph Stalin was by all accounts a murderous, evil man, hell bent on exterminating anyone he felt was in his way or had slighted him, no matter how small the infringement or how close or long term the friendship might have been.
A not so well known case in point is the sad tale of Nikolai Bukharin, one of the architects of the Russian Revolution and a long-time friend of Comrade General Secretary aka Stalin. At one point Bukharin was the editor of the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, but after a disagreement on policy, Bukharin was expelled from the Politburo in 1929. When the Great Purge began in 1936, it soon became apparent that Stalin was determined to do away with anyone who he felt had betrayed him or might outshine him in any way. Tragically Bukharin perished at the hands of Stalin’s henchmen at the age of 49 in March 1938.
Mark Langham’s harrowing play We Are the Himalayas brings a Soviet-era tale to light in a dramatic and heartfelt way. We hear from ghosts from long ago. An outstanding cast of actors play the close circle of people who were a witness in some way to Bukharin’s downfall and eventual death. His beloved wife Anna Larin’s harrowing time spent in gulags is revealed, incarcerated just for being his wife – the utter cruelty shown to innocent, ordinary Russians is demonstrated and is beyond belief.
Charlotte Chimes is outstanding in the role of Anna. Her emotional depth radiates out to the audience, we all feel the love she undoubtedly has for her husband and their young son – she’d do anything to protect them, but alas she can’t, trapped in jail, far from the corridors of power.

Ben Mathews as Nicolai Bukharin, morphs into a principled man, one I wish I’d met. He embodies the once ‘golden child of the revolution,’ body and soul. He is passionate, smart, witty, and we watch him become terrified of his and his family’s eventual fate via the unseen hands of Stalin.

Special mention also to Steve Corner who plays Lavrenty Beria, the interrogator. He fully embodies the menacing Beria, and yet he deftly shows us a glimpse, just a smidgen of his humanity. James Gordon plays IIya Ehrenberg, Bukharin’s intellectual friend. He also embodies his character – when he is alone with Bukharin, we get a taste of their closeness, their high regard for each other and for their beloved Russia.

Emilia Stubbs Grigoriou plays Victoria, and Chelsea Klein plays Nina – cellmates of Anna, doomed for some misdeed or another; both actresses deftly execute their roles.

The sound design was poignant when necessary and gently intimidating at times – a perfect mix. The set and lighting designs were excellent, considering the size of the little theatre they had to work with – well done.
Mark Langham, I salute you for writing such a heartfelt play and Richard Cornally I salute you for bringing this extraordinary tale to life.
Not to be missed.
Writer: Mark Langham
Director: Richard Cornally
Production Designer: Damien Egan
Lighting Design: Sophie Pekbilimli
Sound Design: Patrick Howard
Stage Manager: Sophie Dixon
Fight Choreography: Scott Witt
Producer: Luke Holmes
On now until Sunday 21 July.
Fringe HQ – Downstairs theatre #1
26 Bayswater Rd, Potts Point.
For tickets visit: www.trybooking.com
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