Jenny Cottle
Climate Change is something that is and will increasingly affect everyone on the planet. Environmentally these effects are increasingly worrying to say the least.
Most air pollution is caused by one of the major causes of climate change – burning fossil fuels. Only this week, the World Health Organisation reported that air pollution kills at least 7 million people in the world each year.
So where is the good news in this you ask?
This issue is a major wake up call to everyone on the planet – and something which every government cannot ignore. With governments now ‘listening’, it empowers citizens to demand change. Also, as health is a major cost in most government budgets, it gives them further reason to act.
In early March, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced they have ‘declared war’ on pollution, with planned reforms in energy pricing to boost non-fossil fuel power and cutting capacity in the steel and cement sectors which are the sources of much air pollution.
In addition, China will increase its investment in renewable energy sources, with a goal of using 80 per cent renewable energy by 2050.
The European Union is also taking a proactive stance. Recently EU member states finally agreed to back reforms that will mean large listed companies are required to report on their environmental and social impacts. This will make their contributions to climate change transparent, highlighting those who cause the most damage as well as those who are making efforts to reduce their impact.
So how can you walk away from climate change? By being part of the change. Apart from not driving when you can walk and ‘turning off’ electricity when you can, there are many other things you can do.
Be vocal – let your politicians know you are concerned about climate change and you want them to act in a meaningful, not tokenistic way.
Boycott palm oil – yes another good reason to avoid it. In Indonesia, the world’s largest producer of forests, burning forests to plant oil palm is a massive contributor to air pollution and climate change. Avoid palm oil – and burning of forests.
Divest – how much is your bank or super fund contributing to climate change? Sadly, it is quite a bit, through investment and loans to the fossil fuels industry.
Fortunately there are alternatives, while we wait for the big banks and funds to change, 350.org and Market Forces are two of several organisations with lots of great advice and resources to help you find alternative banks and super funds.
Avoid products which contribute to climate change, or better still, let the companies know why you boycott their products. It would seem that all that corporations care about is the ‘bottom line’ – so let them know in a language they understand.
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