Brenda Janschek
It’s funny how the twists and turns of life can have fleeting or lasting effects on how you view your world. They can change your direction, lurch you from one focus to another, whilst awakening your senses in almost osmotic fashion to the world around.
My own experience, or observation, is that the most persistent, recurring and intense themes have become the most meaningful and life changing. For me, motherhood is one of those themes, and my journey through motherhood has been deeply entwined with another theme, that of wellbeing.
Through a lifetime of positive and negative experiences, I naturally tend to highlight the positive aspects of each, or at least be able to see the good in every bad situation. One of my darkest periods so far was desperately wanting a child at 29yrs of age, but being unable to conceive for 4 years. Although a deeply painful time in my life, the experience awakened my awareness of my connection to the earth, of its abundance, its healing capacity and its direct relationship to my sense of wellbeing. For more than a moment during that period, my husband and I were staring down the barrel of IVF, but not before we decided to try a holistic path first, where food became our drug and natural living delivered us closer to our miracle wish.
More than a decade later, I experience a sense of relief and deep peace as I pass my knowledge, passions, beliefs and practices on to my kids. I feel completely happy and satisfied knowing I am doing my best for them when I share with them not only survival tools to cope with life, tips to create balance and so on, but my constantly evolving knowledge of the best nutrition lessons available. Of course, this is driven by my sheer love for them, and my dream is that it will be through them, and all children, that real and urgent change can slowly begin. My darling 6yr old has already expressed that she’s considering a future career in nutrition! This is as much a compliment as it is cute and funny to me, but I digress …
I also deeply care about my kid’s friends, my own friends, my community, the stranger in the street, our families, and our world. I always wish for their best health and experiences in life. If I actually could have one wish granted, it would simply be that everyone joins in the journey to a healthy & happy life. I, for one, know how good these moments feel.
So a big hearty welcome to my page here at Only the Good News, where amongst other things, I plan to share my knowledge in the areas of health and nutrition, lifestyle, family, parenting, and our environment. So you’re going to hear a lot about food ‘n mood, cleanses and wholefoods, real foods, no-no foods, clean living, sustainable living, raising happy kids, friendship, sadness, depression, breastfeeding, motherhood, good fats, bad fats, kale, quinoa, coconuts, meditation, beauty and breathing. I can’t wait to hear about your dreams, your themes, and your own twists and turns.
So if you’re interested in optimal, lifelong health for you and your family and you care about our planet, if you’re interested in a joyful life, a fruitful life, a healthy life, then you’re in the right place.
Have a beautiful day,
Bren x
Photo by Tan Nguyen Photography
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