Jenny Cottle
Although all the large amounts of sugar added to processed food is definitely not good for us, the good news is that there are a lot of good uses for sugarcane with major health and environmental benefits for all. The even better news is that grown organically, it is a truly sustainable crop which can be grown without pesticides and there are uses for almost all parts of the plant.
Sugarcane plants are a species of grass, and so they grow quickly. Not only that, it can be cultivated on degraded land, without the need to clear natural habitats.
Health – Organic sugarcane juice is rich in lots of minerals and vitamins including the mineral of the moment, chromium. Apart from supplying glucose, it is great for rehydrating in warm weather and as a natural alternative to energy drinks for that boost we sometimes need. The juice can also help digestion; help fight infections through its antioxidant content improve your skin, hair and nails.
Sugarcane Mulch – Sugarcane mulch is made from the tops and leaves of the plant. Used on the garden it protects the soil from extreme temperatures, helps prevent soil erosion, helps in controlling weeds, reduces water use (by helping the soil retain water) and over time breaks down and enriches the soil.
Biofuel – Sugarcane can be used to make ethanol. Ethanol is an alcohol based fuel which can be blended with petrol or used alone in specially designed engines. Currently ethanol is made from sugarcane juice and molasses, but there are now new techniques which can produce ethanol from the leftover plant material. This could be a major contributor to reducing greenhouse emissions. Brazil has been able to replace almost 40 per cent of its petrol needs using only 1.4 per cent of its arable land.
Bioplastics – Most plastic is made from fossil fuels, but it can also be made from sugarcane. Sugarcane plastic is more sustainable, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions as it biodegrades and can be recycled. Toyota is now using a newly developed bio-plastic made from sugarcane in the production of car interiors.
Clothing – Sugarcane is now being used in the production of fabrics to make shopping bags, t-shirts, denim and other items.
Paper – Sugarcane bagasse (the waste from extracting the juice and molasses) can be used to make high quality paper that takes far less energy to produce than wood pulp. It can also be used to make tissues, toilet paper and paper towels. Using sugarcane paper can help reduce deforestation.
Sugarcane Flour – Sugarcane can be used to make flour, a source of fibre, which is great for people with wheat and gluten allergies.
Disposable Party Ware – Sugarcane fibres can be used to make an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic for disposable cutlery, plates and cups. Not only are there benefits from avoiding plastic and its manufacture, the sugarcane products are bio-degradable.
Batteries – Still in the research phase, but scientists at Virginia Tech have built a battery with 10 times the energy of a lithium battery. The potential uses for this discovery are so exciting, from mobile phones to safe storage of solar energy for night time use.
Organically grown sugarcane has the potential to be a sustainable, renewable resource that doesn’t damage the environment. Initially these products are a little more expensive, but what price our planet?
“I feel more confident than ever that the power to save the planet rests with the individual consumer.” Denis Hayes
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