“Look, I’m a fuck up, but maybe there’s some beauty in just surviving.”
How far will you go in the name of family?
Sisters Caroline and Phoebe have charted very different courses in their lives. While one escaped their hometown, the struggling holiday hamlet of Sunset Strip, for a high-lying legal career, the other has stayed, caring for their aging father and battling her own demons.
Now Caroline has returned, recovering from chemotherapy, to find the ever-optimistic Phoebe newly in love and determined to make life fabulous, despite dad’s decline into dementia.
From Olivier Award-winning Australian playwright Suzie Miller (Prima Facie, RBG: Of Many, One) comes this heartwarming examination of family love, and surviving the worst that life dishes up with humour and resilience. In the end, there’s always hope.

New Theatre is delighted to welcome director Annette van Roden to helm her first production here, and also making their New Theatre debuts are the cast of four: Shane Davidson, Molly Haddon, Vincent Meltonand Erica Nelson, lighting designer Casey Moon-Watton,sound designer Jay Murrinand stage manager Radhika Lal.
Says Annette: “As soon as I began to read the script, I wanted to breathe life into Suzie Miller’s beautiful world and immerse myself and the actors in each character’s life. I love the way all of the characters show strength through vulnerability. People cope with life’s traumas in different ways, and this play explores those differences without judgement. While the themes canvassed may seem ‘heavy’ – addiction, cancer, dementia, grief – the way they are handled is delicate and humane and often very funny. These are issues that will have touched most people’s lives, but we often find hard to talk about. This play creates a touchstone to start thinking about having the difficult conversations.”
“I’m excited to bring this play to New Theatre’s stage because it’s an intimate space that allows for great flexibility in staging and the team is wonderfully supportive.”
Cast Shane Davidson, Molly Haddon, Vincent Melton, Erica Nelson
Director & Set Designer Annette van Roden
Lighting Designer Casey Moon-Watton
Sound Designer Jay Murrin
Assistant Director Martin Kelly
Stage Manager Radhika Lal
Photos © Chris Lundie
9 July – 3 August 2024
Thu – Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm
Sat 3 August 2pm only
Full $37
Concessions, Groups (6+) $32
Thrifty Thursdays $25
Preview $20
(booking and transaction fees apply)
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