Elise Hawthorne
When I think about what a typical 11 or 12 year old might be doing in their school holidays I think of the usual – going to the movies, hanging out with friends, soccer or tennis camp, maybe a spot of swimming – I don’t think of them volunteering to help children less fortunate in a third world country.
To my delight I heard about the adventures of three Montessori East primary school students, Jed Payten (11), Lucy Southan (11) and Scarlet Fitzpatrick-Lubowitz (12) who recently travelled to Thailand with one of their teachers, Raji Sivapalan, and their principal, Bill Conway to fulfil their schools Journey of Service project.
Montessori East’s Journey of Service project is an opportunity for students in their last year of primary school to make a significant and real connection to the world they have been learning about. The students are asked to find a place that has a specific need in which they could make a positive contribution. They choose a destination and a plan that fits within the criteria set by the school and then work as a group to make their ideas and plans a reality. The project was established by Montessori East in 2013, recognising that pre-adolescent children naturally seek to understand their place in society and they want opportunities to contribute in some way.
The first days of their journey were spent at the Udon Thani Home for Girls, one of the largest orphanages in North East Thailand. The initial experience was almost overwhelming for the students, as they learned quickly how much the children were eager to meet them and get to know them. They first assisted in a toddler room following Montessori principles of play-based learning, then proceeded to lead activities for the 3-12 year olds who were part of the Montessori classrooms. Time was also spent with the babies under 2 years of age, where the life lessons of love and attachment transformed these 3 students and drew them in to a feeling of purpose beyond any of their expectations.
Before travelling to Nong Khai north of Udon Thani, the group took a day to visit a Buddhist temple and retreat as well as a World Heritage listed archaeological site. This was an opportunity to reinforce some of what they had already learned about Thai culture and history, as well as to see some of the beautiful countryside.
The final 4 days of the journey was spent at the Chuakmuaywitaya School which is located in a village area South West of the city of Nong Khai near the Mekong River. The school had introduced Montessori education in the younger grades 7 years ago, but only last year expanded the program into their primary grades, hoping to soon convert the entire school to Montessori education.
Montessori East students were the living products of a full primary school Montessori education and their ‘service’ here was to become students in the classrooms and demonstrate with their own approaches to learning how effective this method of education can be for the older child. They wore the school uniform and were quickly surrounded by new friends curious about what they were doing every step of the way.
The last act of ‘service‘ they performed involved a parent meeting in which they spoke to around 100 parents who had gathered to learn more about Montessori education from their perspective. This school had attracted many families some of who travel long distances to receive this excellent education and were curious about what it would be like once they complete their full implementation.
There were many highlights from this journey, but what stands out most was the connection that was made between the children. Service that responds to an obvious need was easy in the orphanage, and making a connection with the older children was a service Montessori East students gave willingly and also received in abundance from their hosts. Having so much attention given to them was confronting and even confusing at times, but will be one of those lessons in life that draws us all to a better understanding of the real meaning of gratitude.
“It was a huge undertaking for such young children, but I know them well and I had every confidence that they were ready to offer something of themselves. On reflection, it has been an amazing kind of ‘right of passage’ for them, a bridge from which to enter adolescence knowing more than ever about themselves and the significance of giving to others. Many people benefited through this project and the world will be a better place with young people like this as its citizens.” Bill Conway, Principal
Returning to Bondi were 3 children whose eyes and hearts were opened by an opportunity to connect with the world – a world most of us in Australia would only read about or see in documentaries. They expressed how the journey changed the way they saw needs and service, how they felt we should be involved more regularly with helping others, even locally. They discovered how difficult it is to receive such generous hospitality from others when their own material privilege is so far beyond the hosts – how expressions of love carry no price or cost. Returning to the reality of the eastern suburbs in Sydney, Australia can be the greatest challenge, but one thing is certain when I consider the value of this journey of service: these 3 students will never forget what they learned and will hold it as one of those significant experiences that will help guide them into the future.
Montessori East is situated in Bondi in Sydney’s eastern suburbs offers a Montessori education for pre-primary (3-6 year olds) and primary aged children (6-12 year olds). The school is non-denominational and co-educational and is committed to providing an education model that is truly focused on the development of each child. This is only possible in the unique environment of a Montessori school. For more information go to www.montessori.nsw.edu.au
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