Elise Hawthorne
Bernard Salt AM, the managing director of The Demographics Group, is one of Australia’s most sought-after social commentators. He recently gave me and in turn Keeping In Touch magazine readers a fascinating overview of the world of the over 55s and the global megatrends coming our way. Bernard outlines the way the Over-55s are sometimes all lumped together, but in reality, there is a plethora of senior segments, each with a fascinating story to tell.
Q. What are the characteristics of the following ages: 70-79 Grandparent Helper, the 80-to-87 Legacy Shapers and the 88-and-over Reflectors?
A. The Grandparent Helper (GPH) is aged 70-something, and their big thing in life is to share in, help with, contribute to the bringing up of grandchildren. They will even move house to be closer to their grandkids. GPHs see the 70s as their last window to make an impact and to help out; plus at that stage of the lifecycle, there is nothing sweeter, no greater purpose in life, than to spend quiet (and not so quiet) time with their grandchildren.
The Legacy Shaper (LS) is aged 80-something and can often be a lone person, a widow, suddenly thrust into a time and a situation when they think about life and the next generation. LSs think about passing on family history, stories, photos and artefacts to the point they will even tag different items to different grandkids. LSs are thinking about the legacy they will leave behind.
The Reflectors are aged 88 and over and are by their very age frail. They are apt to ask the big questions in life, perhaps the biggest question in life, and that is: what is the meaning of life; what was its purpose. Reflectors can be very religious and/or philosophical. In some ways, perhaps in many ways, they are humanity’s philosophers.
Q. What are the key health and wellbeing issues affecting the 70 – 88 + Australians?
A. The key health and wellbeing issues can be dictated by financial security and family connection; get those two Fs right—family and finances—and the ageing process can be—I suspect—a rewarding and enjoyable time in the lifecycle. If you ever want to see true human contentment, see a 70-something or an 80-something in quiet enjoyment of their home and family.
Q. What are the underlying demographic trends that will shape the world order in the 2020s and beyond (how we might be reimaging the way life might be lived…60 as the new beginning)?
A. I think the key demographic trends shaping the 2020s in Australia and beyond will be the baby bust. If there was a baby boom in the 1950s then there will be a baby bust in the 2020s. This will skew government spending and in due course could cause resentment among young generations. Self-sufficiency is the answer for as long as possible.
Q. There has been much talk about the market for Baby Boomers to galvanise into a political force as they move fully into the retirement stage of the lifecycle, discuss your findings.
A. There is no doubt that baby boomers will galvanise into a political force in the 2020s; this lot ain’t gonna sit around and be dictated to by a generation that has no idea of the issues of ageing. Boomers have been hippies and dinks and yuppies and seachangers…we will not waft off meekly towards the great abyss without a making a fuss and ensuring fairness along the way. Two more boomer Fs: fuss and fairness!
Q. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party dead or alive and why?
A. For me, it would be Audrey Hepburn; Weary Dunlop; my grandfather Ernie Gibson whom I never met but whose life and hard work I admire; me (no point if I’m not there); Michelangelo (greatest artist); Banjo Paterson (so he could recite Clancy of the Overflow); Albert Einstein for his creative brilliance.
Q. What would your superpower be?
A. To not need sleep; I’d be Stay Awake Man.

* Pew Research Centre defines baby boomers as being born between 1946 and 1964
Bernard has popularised demographics through his books, columns and media appearances. His body of work is encapsulated in six popular best-selling books. He appears regularly as a guest on various radio and television programs and now hosts a business chat show called The Next Five Years broadcast on SkyNews Business Channel 602.
To learn more visit: www.bernard-salt.com.au
This article was first published in JewishCare’s Keeping In Touch magazine www.jewishcare.com.au
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