Brenda Janschek
What a Natural, New Age Mum has in her fridge.
I like my fridge to reflect my values around food and nutrition, and to say something about me. We are what we eat, after all. So I don’t particularly want to be associated with a shrivelled, forgotten six month old prune, or a science experiment that has added new and interesting growths and tear-producing aromas to last week’s take-out.
What you put into your fridge directly determines whether you eat well or not, so I stock my fridge in a way that is always able to deliver smoothies, soups, stir fries, ‘eggy’ dishes, granolas, parfaits and salads.
“Studies have shown that we reach for what’s convenient and what’s visible,” says Janet Polivy.
What you won’t find in my fridge is a bunch of products with numbers, colours, additives or chemicals. I like to think of myself as ‘refined’ in my own klutzy way, but refined products are a no-no in these parts.
The picture in this article shows off the contents of my fridge, top shelf, listed below are the other shelves.
Top Shelf
B.D. Farm Paris Creek yoghurt
Global Organics Tomato Paste
Almond Butter
Pan De Mar Mussels
Homemade parsley and lime tahini
Date Syrup
Activated Sunflower Seeds
Activated Pecans (my favourite nut)
Full fat cream
Unpasteurized brown rice miso
Organic prunes
Cultured vegies
Second Shelf
St Dalfours strawberry jam
Spiral pasta sauce
Home-made choc-coated activated almonds
Gruyere cheese
Cherry tomatoes from the markets
Organic strawberries from the market
Borgul my mum made
Activated sesame seeds
Third and Fourth shelf and draws
This section mainly consists of my fresh organic vegetables from the markets with an abundance of leafy greens. There is also a glass container of delicious home-made chicken stock in there. But that’s normal, right?
Side of fridge top shelf
This section is where you will find my:
Parmesan Regianno
Cultured butter
Pastured eggs
Barambah cheddar cheese
Side of fridge bottom shelf
Sauces including spiral mirin and tamari
Home made mayonnaise in the global organics jar
NiuLife coconut aminos
Global organic mustard
Canadian maple syrup in the big jar
My family’s favourite milk : ) … for bathing, clearly …
Ceres ABC nut butter – super delish
When the weather warms up I will move my Braggs apple cider vinegar & organic ghee into the fridge too.
A little note, as you can probably tell I’m trying to move towards using glass as opposed to plastic containers, much better for our health.
If you need help overhauling your fridge, freezer or pantry to a real foods haven, please check out my Kitchen Reboot program here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed peeking inside my fridge.
Bren x
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