Brenda Janschek
I love it when celebrity mums make use of their celebrity status to make the world a better place.
Rather than allow their status and wealth to lull them into a disconnected comfort zone, they show they care about themselves, others and the planet by living greener, feeding cleaner and creating healthier environments for their children.
These fabulous mums are helping to spread the wellness message and save our planet.
Olivia Newton-John
In her well publicised battle with breast cancer, Olivia augmented her chemotherapy treatments with other complementary (and less well-publicised) treatment methods such as herbal supplements, homeopathy, acupuncture, meditation, and visualization.
She almost didn’t agree to the chemotherapy at all, but ended up using a holistic approach. And she felt the positive choices she made regarding her treatment gave her a positive mindset and allowed her to heal.
Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba and her business partner Christopher (who is also a dad) established The Honest Company out of sheer frustration at being unable to source the best products for their babies and homes. Their business focuses on health and sustainability and they are constantly looking for ways to improve it.
Jessica says, “When I became a mom, I finally became the person I am, that I always should have been. It’s the most satisfying job in the world. But, it can also be overwhelming and confusing. I created The Honest Company to help moms and to give all children a better, safer start.”
Gwyneth Paltrow
By becoming aware of the toxic substances in the modern day diet, Gwyneth Paltrow began to appreciate other areas of her life where toxins could negatively affect her body.
Being a good mum and seeking to protect her young family, she focused on areas where she could make a difference, such as installing water filtration systems, using natural non-toxic shampoos and facial creams, and sleeping on organic mattresses.
She and her family embrace a holistic natural lifestyle that includes natural remedies and organic wholefoods, and she makes the effort to prepare most of their food herself.
More importantly, she has become an authoritative voice and advocate on health and wellness.
Kate Hudson
Take charge of your health and well being the way Kate Hudson did.
It can be very easy to just accept what is mass-produced and invariably at odds with optimum health, simply because of availability. And don’t we all have busy lives?
Kate took the positive approach to her own wellbeing. She became interested in the ingredients contained in the food she and her son ate and their effect on the environment. They now avoid foods that are not good for them, and indulgences are kept to a minimum.
She also now makes a lot of the standard household products herself, such as lotions, candles and homeopathic remedies.
Miranda Kerr
One of Australia’s most well-known mums, Miranda Kerr, believes the benefits of organics are so important that she established KORA Organics, which produces a range of skincare products that are made from certified organic ingredients and essential oils.
But it’s not just these types of products that she believes are important. It is a lifestyle. As her website notes, she is “an advocate for all things natural, healthy and organic. She believes that every individual has a role to play in protecting the planet for future generations and she adopts sustainability practices in her everyday life.”
Vanessa Williams
When you look at Vanessa Williams, one of your immediate thoughts is to wonder what cosmetics, shampoos and make-up she wears.
When she began to appreciate the harm that toxic chemicals in these products could do, she looked deeper into this area in her life.
Now, along with a vegetarian and holistic lifestyle, she can boast a devotion to organic products, having dumped anything in her house that resembled parabens, sulphates and chemical names that belong in school textbooks and not on your face.
Brooke Shields
No woman is an island, of course (sounds better than ‘man’, doesn’t it?), and Brooke Shields is realistic enough to admit that she finds it difficult to be green all the time. But she does make the effort to try and make a difference, and feeding her children an organic diet is a gift they will become aware of only later in life.
In the meantime, they can enjoy their organic clothing while she takes care of her skin with organic products, just like many other actresses, models, make-up artists and yes, us normal people!
Sheryl Crow
Experiencing a diagnosis of breast cancer, Sheryl Crow began to appreciate the effects food can have on the body, particularly as cancer-fighters.
Thus began her journey into the world of nutrition, where she learned of the power of nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, and their effects on the immune system.
Inspired by this, she even wrote a book about healthy eating.
Now, she takes great care in selecting her produce, and in educating and feeding her young children, teaching them to appreciate the beauty of nutritious food.
They are not the only mums, of course, focusing acutely on their diet and lifestyle.
Christy Turlington adheres to an ancient medicinal theory emphasizing meditation and healthy eating to prevent and treat illness; while Meryl Streep has noted publicly that we should all demand safer, better products both for our sake and for our environment.
What’s not to love about these fantastic mums!
Bren x
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