
April 3, 2014 in Entertainment

Bret Harding
Day 1: Ahoy hot gentle reader and welcome to this week’s whatever this is.  Much of this last week has been spent driving here and there with work and blasting away on ye olde car cd player with the flotsam and jetsam of my music cupboard on high rotation.

Day 2: The prize amongst the acres of diamonds happened to be Nirvana’s Nevermind (how cool is the kid who grew up from being the baby on the album cover?).  Scratched and worn and a bit skippy here and there it still carries its tunes well despite the passing of time (was this really 23 going on 24 years ago?).

Day 3: Have benched the remaining flotsam and jetsam in favour of padding the playlist with other work by Nirvana’s various members (ok Kurt’s not with us and Chris not in my collection beyond Nirvana, so pretty much just added Foo Fighters to the mix).  How cool is Mr D Grohl?

Day 4: Made a modern day version of the old mixed tape for the car (kids ask your parents) last night.  Siphoned off NevermindSmells Like Teen Spirit’, ‘Come as You Are’, ‘Lithium’ and could’ve pulled more but moved onto the Fooey’s albums and siphoned off ‘Everlong’, ‘My Hero’, and ‘Monkey Wrench’, ‘Learn to Fly’,  ‘Times Like These’, ‘Best of You’, and ‘The Pretender’.  Music Loud. Tick. Driving too fast? Possibly.  I can neither confirm nor deny.

Day 5: A Friday fun one – no urgency today just getting the job done and listening to some fab music and lyrics and performances.  It was about the lunch time mark that I came to realise what it is I like most about Mr Grohl is that he can do it all.  Apart from writing and singing the Fooey’s material (and on the self-titled debut album, playing all of the instruments bar one guitar fill), Mr Grohl is pleased to help others and pleased to see others enjoy success.  He has been sighted with rock royalty (both on and off record) and has turned his hand to a number of other ventures (involving film score and directing).

Day 6: Had had to work on Saturday and blasted the mixed tape some more.  And whilst Mr Grohl is a modern musical hero (and my drive was better for his work) the modern musical hero (or heroine) I was referencing in the lead was in fact whoever it was in the NSW education system who implemented the modern version of music at high school.  Kids are not only engaged in the process but the system is producing multi instrumentalists with no sense of what can’t be done (does that make sense?).

And who do the kids call a modern musical hero?

Mr Grohl……and well they should.

Here’s a little something I found to close today’s missive.

