Elise Hawthorne
Interviewer: Do you have any desire for stability and continuity in your life?
Michael White: You’ll get that when you’re dead, you’ll get lots of stability, you’ll be stuck in one place forever, so I think while you’re alive you have to live.
The above says it all really – Michael White, theatre and film producer, lover of stunning, creative and intelligent women and friends with probably all of the must know famous people of the last 50 years.
If pop culture is your thing then run don’t walk to your nearest cinema to watch Gracie Otto’s fabulous documentary about the entertaining and fascinating life of Michael White.
I have to first congratulate Gracie on her clever documentary, it really takes you into Michael’s world and builds a picture of this unique man – one person in this film describes him as, “the most famous person you never heard of”.
Michael produced shows that were ground breaking, he really moved accepted cultural norms into the modern era, shows such as The Rocky Horror Show, Oh Calcutta!, Monty Python, Yoko Ono’s first London art happenings, the list is endless. He knew everyone – Andy Warhol, Jack Nicholson, Liz Taylor, Mick Jagger, Kate Moss, Maggie Thatcher, Princess XYZ, you name a famous person from this period and I’m sure he had spent some time with them and taken their photo with his trusty camera.
Michael has had a couple of strokes and he isn’t as young as he once was much to his disappointment as he is so young at heart. The doco shows Michael attending a dance party, walking around with the aid of two walking sticks – the man has chutzpah in spades. I must admit by the end of this wonderful film I had fallen a little in love with the man and I dare you not to do the same.
Well done Gracie Otto for documenting such a remarkable man’s life.
For more information and to watch the trailer:
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