Craig Priddle
Lone Survivor, starring Mark Wahlberg, is based on the true story of a compromised mission in 2005 by members of SEAL team 10 to track Ahmad Shah, a Taliban leader, in Afghanistan. The title and the opening scenes of the story establish the end result of the mission, and yet it is a suspenseful, draining and emotional two hours.
The film opens with footage showing part of what is required to become a SEAL. It isn’t easy and it isn’t for everyone. It appears that those who make it do so under extreme circumstances and through sheer force of will. The film reinforces the physical hardship and mental challenges placed on these troops.
This isn’t a political movie, so not many questions are asked and not a real lot of answers are given. The SEALs are there and so they will do as they are ordered. Even in the small group we follow, although they are brothers in arms, when the commanding officer gives an order it is followed. There is no examination of the reason US troops are in Afghanistan in the first place, but the film isn’t about countries, it’s about people doing what they believe in. And this is not just the SEALs.
The SEALs, the Taliban, and the Afghani followers of Pashtunwali who are responsible for the rescue of the lone survivor are all doing what they believe in. Mark Wahlberg has been quoted as saying that for him the part of the story that moved him the most was the bravery shown by the villagers who rescued Marcus Luttrell, the real SEAL portrayed by Wahlberg. It is a slightly confusing conclusion to the story, only made clear by notes during the closing credits, but the sacrifice and bravery of the villagers is clear and remarkable. The peril the villagers helping Luttrell face is established early in the film, as the Taliban drag a villager from their home for a public beheading. This is what happens to those who help the US troops.
War movies can be very divisive. Many argue they celebrate war (for them I suggest perhaps Saving Private Ryan or Paths of Glory), and I agree there is certainly a subset of war films where it is all fun and games and the flag waving makes it hard to see the immense loss, pain and hardship that war creates (thinking Top Gun here, despite poor old Goose). Lone Survivor certainly doesn’t celebrate war and it shows loss, pain and hardship in often close up and grisly fashion. Every sharp edged rock and every bullet, fall, cut and break is felt and extracts empathy from the audience. As a true story, they feel even sharper and hurt all the more.
For many men, including myself, the prospect of military service either voluntary or through conscription is or was very real. In addition to that, there is often a close friend or family member, such as father or grandfather who, even if they don’t talk about it, was in the military and perhaps a war. Full disclosure, my father and my stepfather were both in the Australian Army in World War 2.
As one of those who have had the luxury to grow up in Australia and not to experience war first hand, Lone Survivor made me feel a number of things.
1. I’m glad it isn’t me
2. I wonder what sort of stuff my father went through
3. If I was living in a country where this was going on I can understand people getting on a boat to go somewhere else
4. My teenage sons not doing their homework without being asked, reminded, cajoled and threatened over is really not that significant a thing
5. I’m pleased I am living the type of life and in a country where teenage sons not doing their homework can be thought of as significant.
These movies puts things into perspective. My teenage sons’ academic and domestic misdemeanours are put into their place. The bravery and commitment we can show to each other, including strangers, is shown in the film and is both a celebration and a cause for hope.
Lone Survivor isn’t perfect, it isn’t asking questions or providing answers, but as a story about individuals helping each other under extreme circumstances, it is gripping and well told. It’s a war movie that shows how senseless and easily death can come so it won’t appeal to all. Those who see it will be emotionally tired, but would have to have at least some small part of their being feeling a little hopeful about us lot here on Earth, if only because there are people somewhere following Pashtunwali.
Rating: 7/10 rays of hope through dust and dirt and the fog of war
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