By Elise Hawthorne
Visiting from Tsfat, Israel, David Friedman, Kabbalah artist and meditation teacher together with Rabbi Dr. Orna Triguboff will be presenting unique Kabbalah Art seminars when David visits Australia during August.
Recently David Friedman said, “As an artist and teacher of Kabbalah I am always trying to broaden my horizons and then share with others what I have learned. I’m excited about visiting Australia for the first time and meeting with students and educators to hopefully become inspired by them and inspire them as well.”
“I first saw David’s art in Tsfat, Israel, in 2003. I had been studying Kabbalah for 10 years and was very impressed with David’s original way of depicting spiritual teachings through art. Also, I felt very aligned with the way he brought out meditative techniques based on texts thousands of years old, he brought them to life. I wanted to share this with people in Australia and now it is happening,” said Rabbi Dr. Orna Triguboff.
David Friedman, born in the United States, moved to Israel in 1977 to study the Torah and to focus on his art. Settling in Tsfat in 1979, he developed a way to represent Kabbalah in art – using Hebrew letters, numbers, geometric shapes, and colour theory. He presents to groups from around the world about Kabbalah and Jewish Meditation – see his attached bio + photo, his painting ‘Tree of Life’.
Orna Triguboff is a Kabbalah scholar specialising in Jewish meditation, Orna received doctorate from Sydney University in 2003 and her rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Renewal movement in 2010; she is a Hatha Yoga teacher trained by Acharya Upendra Roy. Orna teaches Kabbalah meditation in Australia and internationally. She serves at Emanuel Synagogue Sydney, and is the Spiritual Director of Neshama Life, an organization that fosters spiritual development through Kabbalah.
David Friedman’s trip is sponsored by Neshama Life and the Jewish National Fund.
Tree of Life photo © David Friedman
Kabbalah Art
19 August, Emanuel Synagogue, Woollahra
10.30am – 12.30pm: Kabbalah 101 – Jewish Meditation Throughout the Ages
Visiting from Tsfat, Israel, David Friedman, Kabbalah artist and meditation teacher will be presenting in Sydney together with Rabbi Dr. Orna Triguboff. This workshop will give participants a ‘taste’ of the different kinds of Jewish Meditation that can be found in the Bible, the Siddur and the many books of the Kabbalah from ancient times to the present. The focus will be to experience the variety of practices that have been a hidden part of Judaism for centuries and are now being rediscovered.
1pm – 3pm: Kabbalah – The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice
Participants will first be given an overview of the ancient foundational text of the Kabbalah, exploring the 32 Paths of Mystical Wisdom that are its content – the 10 Sefirot (numbers) and the 22 Hebrew letters. Using the Book of Creation as a source for each individuals creativity, participants will create art inspired by what they have learned.
Tickets for each session: $25, Emanuel members $10
To book email: info@neshamalife.org
Kabbalah Art
12 August, Temple Beth Israel, St Kilda
6pm – 8pm: Kabbalah 101 – Jewish Meditation Throughout the Ages
Visiting from Tsfat, Israel, David Friedman, Kabbalah artist and meditation teacher will be presenting in Melbourne together with Rabbi Dr. Orna Triguboff. This workshop will give participants a ‘taste’ of the different kinds of Jewish Meditation that can be found in the Bible, the Siddur and the many books of the Kabbalah from ancient times to the present. The focus will be to experience the variety of practices that have been a hidden part of Judaism for centuries and are now being rediscovered.
Tickets $15, soup will be included
To book email: info@neshamalife.org
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