Tracing the History of Kabbalah
Beginning October 19 and running for 8 weeks, Jewish Mysticism: Tracing the History of Kabbalah Melton School online course presents the rich history of Jewish mysticism, along with understandings of many of the central texts which speak to the deepest mysteries of human existence and to many of life’s eternal universal questions. Discussions surrounding the texts will relate to enduring challenges, and issues of pressing relevance for life both past and present.
Moving beyond Madonna, red strings, and pop-culture, this study provides a deep, accurate, and intellectually honest understanding of the historical backdrop that led to the birth of an esoteric Jewish tradition alongside the societal and cultural changes that shaped and reshaped it throughout the centuries. This course offers learners the framework to understand how Jewish mysticism developed while utilizing the primary texts that have been central to the tradition. While deeply grounded in scholarship, each class will include discussions that address the timeless mysteries of human existence along with numerous other eternal and universal questions.
This course will be taught by Dr Orna Triguboff who was awarded a doctorate in Kabbalah from Sydney University, specializing in the Kabbalah of Rabbi Isaac Luria of Safed in the 16th century and the study of angels. She has also been a meditation and yoga teacher for over 20 years both in Australia and internationally and leads Kabbalah Tours to Israel, the next one will be 27 September-7 October 2021. She serves as rabbi at Emanuel Synagogue and is Spiritual director of Neshama Life, an organisation that offers Kabbalah and Jewish Meditation classes.

8 sessions on Monday evenings beginning 19 October till 7 December 2020, 7.30 – 9pm. Cost: $295 including e-reader. For more info go to www.tbi.org.au/melton-school/
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