Elise Hawthorne
For approximately fifteen years, I suffered from Hashimoto’s disease. It was boring. I’m a naturally high energy, motivated person so when I was given the gift of Hashimoto’s disease, I was not a happy bunny. I believe my pregnancy brought it on, and it never left my side, no matter what pills or lifestyle choices /diets western medicine threw at me. I felt tired ALL of the time, put on weight like I was living exclusively on chocolate cake even when exercising like a demon. I was losing my hair (only on my head for some strange reason) at an alarming rate plus enjoying other symptoms like full-on gluten intolerance, prolonged menstrual bleeding, and so on.
Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that can cause hypothyroidism, aka an underactive thyroid. The thyroid, a small gland at the base of your neck below your Adam’s Apple is an exceedingly powerful gland. The Mayo Clinic says, “Doctors don’t know what causes your immune system to attack your thyroid gland. Some scientists think a virus or bacterium might trigger the response, while others believe a genetic flaw may be involved.”
Anyway, I eventually threw my hands up in horror once my endocrinologist told me that my health, which wasn’t terrific for a very long time as per my description above, was, “as good as it gets.” I decided that there had to be other options I could try, and after asking around, I wound up at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Australia (TCMA) clinic in Bondi Junction.
After consulting with their practitioners, I embarked on their 13-weeks TCM Wellbeing Program, which consisted of a protocol of limited food intake, drinking a mixture of Chinese herbs, acupuncture, Chinese massage and cupping. It was a tough gig (did I mention my needle phobia?), but I knew I had to try something “alternative” as western medicine was doing a big fat nothing to alleviate my Hashimoto’s symptoms.
As mentioned on the TCMA website, “The team at TCM Australia endorses the ancient Chinese philosophy that you need to treat the whole body holistically, not just the specific symptom of ill-health. The Chinese believe that you need to treat the cause of the disease, not just the symptoms.”
Long story short, at the end of the 13-weeks I had my usual set of blood tests, then visited my endocrinologist to get the results – she was gobsmacked – my Hashimoto’s had calmed right down, it was in remission so to speak and continues to have gone off to play havoc elsewhere…thank goodness.
I am so grateful for the guidance and collective wisdom of the TCMA practitioners who treated me – their Wellbeing Program changed my life in so many ways. Now I’m not saying Chinese medicine is for everyone, but it is fair to say, I’m a fan.
For more information visit: www.tcmaustralia.com.au
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