Elise Hawthorne
Sebastian ‘Seb’ Terry is my kind of person, he just gets on with the job of turning his dreams into reality…he’s not waiting for someone else to create the life he wants to lead. This inspiring Australian is the brain child behind 100 Things. By chance Seb came across my path; I couldn’t resist asking him a series of questions for Only the Good News.
I’ve read how 100 Things came about – where do you see this campaign going? Well it started out all about my personal journey to fulfilment however it’s very naturally developed into something that helps others. In truth I’m not sure exactly where is will go but at the moment it is simply motivating people to dream, it is also literally engaging strangers to help one another out. This makes me smile.
I would LOVE to go on your 100 Things Inca Challengeas visiting Machu Picchu is on my bucket list but I’ll be otherwise detained in August. Do you have other trips like this planned and if so where/when? Yes the response was incredible for this trip and although it filled up in under 48hrs, I’m now looking at 3 trips in 2015. At the moment I’m looking at a volunteering trip to Africa, an Antarctic trip, a Mt Kilimanjaro trek and an Indian trip to name a few! Very exciting.
I noticed #4 on your list was raise $100,000 for Camp Quality…and by the looks of your photo of a giant cheque you have achieved this goal – do you have anything else planned to help Camp Quality? I have reached this goal (which was incredibly satisfying) and realised that my journey is far from over so I’ve upped it to $1,000,000 for 10 different charities. I’ve raised $40,000 for Alzheimer’s Australia so far and am looking at various other charities to involve soon.
What was the highlight of the weekend 100 Things 3 day workshop and what other events do you have coming up? The highlight was seeing the dramatic change for all involved in just 3 days. I suppose better than that is seeing the ongoing progress everyone is having now some 3 weeks on. From people searching for some purpose and understanding, to those looking to confirm their thoughts and feelings, the course is something I think everyone should do at some point! I’m running another course mid-year.
What is next on your # list to achieve and do you need any help from the public to tick off that particular item? I’ve always wanted to act in a play which is why Number 44 is on my list. Bizarrely I recently got an offer from the kind folk at Cirque Du Soleil to come and rehearse with them in Las Vegas. I can’t even do a cartwheel! I still do have 35 items from my list so there is plenty of room for people to help.
How can people become 100 Things campaigners? The site is growing daily and spreading throughout various countries and continents. I have no idea how many people are on the site but there seems to be a very positive movement starting. I’m very proud of the direction it’s going but most of all happy that this journey is helping others.
I just love Seb’s mindset….
I’ll leave you with more of Seb’s wise words….
I was sat on a plane recently and I listened to the emergency brief that was being read by the air hostess. “In case of an emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. Put your own mask on first before helping others”. I’d heard this a million times before but for some reason at that moment it struck me just what a wonderful metaphor that was for life. We have to look after ourselves first in life and when we have a strong foundation, we can then go on to help others. Everyone should have a list to work towards personal fulfilment and then we should be looking to help others. I’m enjoying this journey as we speak!
Seb, you’re da man.
Check out Seb’s 100 Things list and why not create your own.
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