Elise Hawthorne
From the Super Mario Bros to Donkey Kong via Minecraft, the Game Masters video games exhibition now on at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney has it covered.
Relive your teenage years as you are transformed down memory lane when playing Pac-Man and Space Invaders…an old favourite of mine. This exhibition made grown women cry with laughter as they (we) battled each other old school video game style. Did we forget what our sons were up to for a minute or two; yes we did and we loved every moment.
If you dare, get down tonight in Alex Rigopulous and Eran Egozy’s Dance Central 3, its Saturday Night Fever meets robot world.
Challenge your children to a game of Fruit Ninja – play nice and try not to get addicted is my only advice.
Game designers are celebrated as they should be. Much respect goes out to these creative geniuses.
This outstanding exhibition features over 100 playable games and all in all it was a fantastic way to spend a lazy Saturday morning.
At the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney til 25 May, 2014
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