Upon entering Twenty Twenty Six’s latest exhibition, Make My Daisy, I was hit over the head by images of pure sensual delight. Pops of colour doesn’t cut it – more explosion with the added value of a couple of black and white special treats.
Make My Daisy brings together artists inspired by the sensuality, mystery, and beauty of flowers. The fleeting beauty of a cut flower, the fleshiness of a garden in full bloom, or a symbol that sparks a thousand memories.
Let the art pictured below show you all you need to know – but better still, head to Twenty Twenty Six to get the whole experience; you won’t be disappointed.

Featured Artists: Martine Emdur, Runa + Holly, Tania Mason, Artist Mlak, Stella Ottolina, Vanessa Stockard, Stephanie Tetu + Melanie Vugich
Twenty Twenty Six
17 O’Brien St, Bondi – opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11am-6pm + Sunday 11am- 5pm
Top image: You don’t even know how beautiful you are by Martine Emdur
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