Jenny Cottle
In 1988 Nigel Harding wrote a children’s textbook, Wanted! New Managers for Planet Earth, now sadly now out of print, it began with an imaginary conversation between earth and the human race. In it, earth sacks the human race because of the ongoing pollution of rivers, soil and oceans, destruction of forests and habitats, species extinctions and the overuse of natural resources.
Earth goes on to talk about the inequalities between rich and poor, “While some of you are very rich, millions of you are starving.” Pointing out that the earth has enough fertile land to feed everyone.
Earth then advertises for new managers who have knowledge and understanding of the earth’s life support systems and are committed to the survival of planet earth.
This then led to a series of guided investigations of the problems the earth is facing due to human activity.
The book finished with a letter from the human race to planet earth, asking for a second chance and a promise to change how they manage the earth.
Earth is struggling with what we are doing to it, but fortunately there are members of the human race who are fighting back for our planet.
In what has become a quest to preserve the natural wonders of our world, more and more people are working for change. From incredible people like David Attenborough and David Suzuki who have shown the wonders of the natural world to millions of people across the globe; to goddesses Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey and Birute Galdikas who have dedicated their lives to the preservation of great apes; to countless others who have worked tirelessly for conservation; to all the people who sign petitions, refuse products that damage the environment and make conscious efforts to leave a smaller footprint on the earth.
This coming Saturday is Earth Hour, a world-wide event to switch off your lights for an hour. Its purpose is to focus awareness of energy use and its part in creating climate change – which is not good for planet earth. It serves to remind us that small acts can make a big difference if we all play our part.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) suggests some fun things to do during Earth Hour
But this year, WWF want us to go ‘beyond the hour.’ Earth Hour is not only promoting “lights out” but is seeking crowd funding for a range of projects which will make significant impacts on climate change globally.
These range from funding energy efficient stoves and solar lights to reduce deforestation in China, India, Nepal and Madagascar to prevent deforestation and protect habitats; to funding rangers in Indonesia to prevent illegal logging and poaching; to programs to develop leadership and educator skills in young people around the world.
Supporting these projects will help achieve long term change and help undo the damage being done to the earth.
Together, we can become the managers of planet earth that our planet needs, and we as a species need.
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