Cooking at Home Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Recipes (And Love My Microwave) By David Chang and Priya Krishna.
In his first cookbook in over a decade, renowned founder of Momofuku, star of Netflix’s Ugly Delicious, and bestselling author of Eat a Peach, David Chang and co-author Priya Krishna, New York Times food reporter and bestselling author of Indian-ish, bring home cooks a fresh guide to modern home cooking.
With a growing young family to feed, a decidedly non-restaurant pantry, and no-frills equipment, David Chang has had to retrain every instinct he once had as a chef. He now faces the same challenges as any home cook: how to make something as a delicious as possible, in the least amount of time possible, with as little mess as possible.
As David and Priya say, Cooking at Home is a book anchored not by traditional recipes but rather guidelines and principles behind favourite dishes, walking home cooks through how to tackle a dish step-by-step, including the fundamentals that make the dish work, resulting in a basic template that can be turned into endless variations. Here, boiled brisket becomes beef and (frozen) broccoli, brisket sandwiches, or fried rice. Roast a pork butt and make bo ssäm, pork tacos, or kimchi stew. Chicken thighs cooked in the microwave become stir fry, coconut chicken curry or gochujang chicken and potatoes.
Inspired by how their families cooked when they were growing-up and cooking intuitively with what was on hand, Dave and Priya realized the best cooks aren’t made by memorizing recipes. True skills are acquired by learning to follow your own instincts and ideas of what is delicious.
Cooking at Home is a modern guide to home cooking. Readers will learn to make the most of their cooking skills, trust their instincts in the kitchen, and become more resourceful and flexible in the way they approach putting meals on the table.
Cooking at Home by David Chang and Priya Krishna – November 16, 2021, release – $49.99
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