Celebrating the Art of Photography

April 22, 2018 in Arts & Travel
Tel Aviv ©Demetris Koilalous

By Elise Hawthorne               

Sydney’s Head On Photo Festival, 5 – 20 May, is a creative force in the cultural life of Australia, presenting the work of over 900 local, international, dynamic and diverse photo-artists and forging relationships within the creative community.

Utilising traditional and non-traditional models, Head On uniquely creates spaces and places to exhibit excellent photography and continues to be a bridge between Australian and international photographic markets.

New York based photographer Nancy Borowick said, “I have always admired Head On and the powerful work they support and exhibit at their festival, so it was an honour to be selected to exhibit my very personal story. My work will be part exhibition part installation, telling the story of my families final years with my ailing parents. It taps into nostalgia and takes the audience on a tour down memory lane, through old family albums, videos, and journals – I invite the Head On guests into my home and my family.”


©Nancy Borowick

“In addition to sharing my work, I had the special opportunity to be a judge in the photography contest, looking at work in the mobile category; this was a fascinating experience. To be able to bring a photographer’s perspective to the conversation around a medium, the mobile camera, was both challenging and inspiring and I look forward to speaking more about this during the festival,” said Nancy.

At the heart of the festival is the Head On Photo Awards in Portrait, Landscape, Mobile and Student categories through which the not-for-profit Head On Foundation has awarded over $500,000 in cash and product.

Very few other Australian arts organisations provide the same opportunity for so many artists. The Festival is a major platform for discovering new talent, re-discovering established artists and exploring new technologies and ideas through exhibitions, workshops, discussion.

Why Head On Photo Festival? “Because every picture has a story to tell and all photo-artists need a fair chance to tell it,” said Moshe Rosenzveig, Festival Director.

For more information visit: www.headon.com.au

Photo at the top of the article is of Tel Aviv ©Demetris Koilalous
Demetris will be a part of a featured solo show about Israel.