An Artistic Soul

April 15, 2014 in Arts & Travel
Stephen Coburn with his art

Elise Hawthorne
Upon meeting artist Stephen Coburn at his studio by Sydney Harbour I am firstly struck by his friendly and inviting nature.  Secondly, I am gobsmacked by his talent.  Hanging out for a few hours with this very talented Australian is a fun and interesting way to pass a morning.

Stepehn Coburn Bogong Moth

Bogong Moth

Stephen’s studio is jam packed full of sculptures ranging from stainless steel bogan moths to elegant steel birds. His prints and paintings from his various creative periods also abound.  He is clearly a bookaphile and kindly shares with me stories about the many influences that inspire his work.

Nature clearly is his muse.   In Stephen’s words, “everything steps from nature.”

His art tells stories of birth and regeneration, of homage to Nordic symbols and to Australia’s flora and fauna. His subjects are derived from nature and can go from realism to complete abstract form or symbolism.

Stephen is an expressive painter and inventive sculptor who has even used an old ute as part of the unusual ‘Utes in the Paddock’ exhibition for the Black Dog Institute.  He’s also a mean banjo player – such a multi talented man.

At present Stephen works mostly with metal although he also uses wood and stone in his sculptures.

His current exhibition Mavericks of Gravity at the Syndicate at Danks gallery in Sydney brings steel bogong moths, cockatoos, pigeons and foxes to life.  His technical skill is matched by his imagination and obvious love for these delicate creatures.  It is very easy to enjoy Stephen’s great talent as an artist, I know I certainly did and will continue to do so.

Stepehn Coburn Immortal Love

Immortal Love

Sydney born Stephen studied at the East Sydney Technical College, gaining his Diploma of Art (sculpture), and then went to the Canberra College of Advanced Education specializing in the conservation of paintings and fine art. Stephen has traveled extensively in Europe and lived in Paris. After many years concentrating on painting, having many solo exhibitions and exhibiting in numerous group exhibitions, Stephen ultimately returned to sculpture. Son of legendary Australian artist, John Coburn, Stephen describes his style as a balance between human endeavour and nature.

How I wish I had a house full of Stephen’s art. Stephen Coburn you are a national treasure.


Mavericks of Gravity

Syndicate at Danks, 1 – 19 April

For more about Stephen Coburn go to: