Craig Priddle
Constructed with Love and Care
From the opening, excruciatingly lovingly observed scene of Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) constructing the magnificent combination of fake and real that becomes his hair, this film delivers. The superb ensemble cast David O. Russell has assembled, work with him to tell a cracking story, finely constructed, like Rosenfeld’s hair. They obviously enjoyed themselves during the filming, and all have their moment to shine.
Very, very, loosely based on real events in the late 1970s and early 1980s (ABSCAM), the story of how ambitious FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper) enlists the skills of master con man Rosenfeld and his mistress Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) is a late standout for 2013. Major Carmine Polito (Jeremy Renner) and Irving’s wife Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence) are the other two stylish, and faulted characters that move the story forward (sometimes a little slowly). Corruption and construction, plans and chaos, change and inertia are recurring themes through American Hustle, and each of the five central characters is a slightly different take on trying to get and hold the American Dream.
The details of the period are beautiful throughout the film: cars as big as a whale, hair almost as big and clothes that look so much better on screen than they ever did in real life. The soundtrack is not incidental, with the characters singing along with, dancing to and enjoying the 70s reminders as much as we do. Warning to all future house guests, ‘I Feel Love’ is again a likely inclusion on any party play lists. You have been warned.
American Hustle isn’t going to teach you any life lessons (certainly not how to do your hair), and there aren’t any role models here. Everyone is cracked and far from ideal, but, this is a great deal of fun, which is one of the reasons I go to the movies. If you want to go on a chaotic ride, enjoy some beautiful people (and wonderfully low necklines) and have fun for 138 minutes, American Hustle should be high on your list.
Rating: 8/10 toupees
imdb: American Hustle
trailer (on youtube): American Hustle Official Trailer
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