Mona Helen Preuss
“What do you expect from a journey of love? …Anything becomes possible. You draw down forces that you can only bow to.” In Chasing Love and Revelation; A Fable About Finding the Heart’s True Desire, Roger Housden (author of the best-selling Ten Poems series), gives us a slender volume thick with big questions and wise reflections.
Georgiou, a young artist with a seeker/philospher’s soul, is compelled to embark on a journey of discovery after reading some lines by the poet Rumi: “All the particles in the world / Are in love and looking for lovers. /Pieces of straw tremble / In the presence of amber.” With the ultimate destination of Konya, he travels from Florence to Delphi, Athos, and on to Istanbul, lingering longer than anticipated at each place along the way. Everywhere collecting rare jewels of enlightenment: deeper understanding of the value of kindness, the sacredness of the everyday, the joy of sorrow.
The lessons Georgiou learns are poured at his feet from vessels of understanding held in the hands of those enlightened souls, wise and open, who are placed in his path, listening, answering his unspoken questions. As he says, “it is a journey like no other,” to a place where mind and heart meet, love is the destination, and the soul’s desire is the first step. There’s no doubt this book will transport you with its rich, evocative tapestry of words. Quite possibly, it will inspire you to a journey of your own.
Kindle edition available on Amazon: In Chasing Love and Revelation
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