Jerusalem an Ancient Wonder

April 26, 2014 in Entertainment

Elise Hawthorne
I always love an IMAX experience, but when the subject matter involves ancient history combined with an an outing with my teenage son, then bingo it’s a great day out.

My secret passion is archaeology and IMAX’s latest 3D journey Jerusalem goes a little way to satisfy my long held desire to run away and donate my time digging around an ancient lost city somewhere far from home.

Western Wall JerusalemJerusalem is told through the eyes of three young girls each from the major religions that call this ancient city home; Judaism, Christianity and Islam faiths – Jerusalem is their holy city, the holiest of sites.

This film features amazing aerial footage of the Old City; whilst at the same time explains its relevance to the past and the hope for the future.

Watching this film I feels like an honoured guest, I can nearly smell the spices sold in marketplace, I can hear the prays at the Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel, which is located at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount in the Old City.

The Old City of Jerusalem is home to many sites of religious importance, standing out among them is the Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount and its Western Wall, the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world at over 3,000 years old, visiting it is on my bucket list and this film has made me want to hurry up and book my flight.