Elise Hawthorne
Life Begins at 50 is the brainchild of market research expert Ellen Baron. It is setting out to create a community of people who want to help change the conversation – businesses, government and the community at large take note!
“Life Begins at 50 was established to be of assistance to anyone over 50 who is looking for purpose; looking to live well in the second half of their life”, said Ellen.
After spending time researching markets for 50+ consumers with topics ranging from financial planning to property, healthcare and consumer goods, Ellen had 3 very clear insights;
Firstly, governments and media talk about the 50+ group as the growing scourge of an aging population, putting pressure on everything from the healthcare system to government, taxpayers and carers. Ellen believes that this is a mostly an unchallenged perspective.
Secondly, manufacturers, marketers and service providers tend to ignore the 50+ market. This is validated by the lack of or poorly engineered or targeted products, media engagement and services.
And thirdly, that the community dismisses the elderly in particular, and have an idea that the aging population presents a problem, rather than an opportunity.
Ellen has a focused agenda, “Life begins at 50 was created to change the conversation within our age cohorts and to the businesses and governments that service us”.
It’s been said that life begins at 50 and Ellen and her team are a committed bunch who are developing a longitudinal look at people who are interested in discussing their attitudes, mindsets, needs and dreams and their roles within the community at large.
“Life Begins at 50 is set up to be a vehicle for self expression, reinvention and in some instances the setting of one’s life purpose as supporters enter this important life stage. Ellen believes, “It is a way to explore the passions, pains and principles of this group and to try and dissect this into meaningful and positive segments that we can take back to marketers, government and others in the community”.
Life Begins at 50 is on so on trend and an important new voice for Baby Boomers and generations that follow. It aims to tackle and reframe some of the issues that people 50 + face, and let’s be honest there is a long list. Life Begins at 50 wants to bring out for discussion; empty nesters issues, retrenchment, conversations around retirement, health and fitness for the over 50s, superannuation – will it finance future decades of living…..just for starters. It aims to bring out in the open and discuss the need for improved services that help people re-educate, re-energise and re-engage.
Life Begins at 50 is encouraging anyone over the age of 50, no matter your profession, passions and interests to join. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
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