Brenda Janschek
Those of you who know me well appreciate how much I stress the importance of positive nutrition. For our bodies and minds to function properly, the fuel we put into our bodies needs to be of the high-octane whole food and nutrient-dense variety, rather than the el cheapo processed kind.
But there is far, far more to food than simply eating the stuff!
Using the ritual of meal time to bond as a family is one of the great joys of being a parent.
It’s that little window during the day (usually at the end) where the family as a unit is gathered in one place, and generally with undivided attention (hint: turn the TV off for best results). And when you can make yourself heard over some of the weird and wonderful snuffling, snorting noises that generally accompany kids and food, you can actually have a decent conversation. Maybe even find out a bit of ‘the goss’.
But more than that, it’s a time where subtle lessons can be taught and learned, and where the kids can find and appreciate themselves and others.
Here are some of the wonderful benefits of a simple, but regular, family meal time:
Family Time
Quality family interaction is so underrated. And it’s actually a lot of fun.
Life’s busy; we all appreciate that, but a little bit of ritual doesn’t go astray. So sit down at a regular time, have a laugh and a joke, and have chat about what’s going on in each other’s lives. This sort of regularity forms strong bonds, strand by strand.
The routine of making time for each other also offers the opportunity to set an example and teach kids subtle lessons or life skills with undivided attention – about food, about manners, about friendships, or just everyday issues.
Building Self Esteem
Being heard breeds confidence and self worth within a child. They intuitively understand they are valued for their conversation, thoughts and opinions, and by the very people who love them the most. This is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children.
This type of validation is more likely to encourage and equip them to speak more often in class and/or group situations.
Improved Linguistic Skills
Talking is a rather specific skill, believe it or not. When a child is allowed the space to really converse and express themselves, it helps them to develop their speech, vocabulary and conversational skills, build complex arguments and support their case fluently, and to organise their thoughts on the run.
Growing up with an ethnic family and friends, it never ceased to amaze me how we could converse in our ethnic tongue so fluently and expressively, even if we couldn’t read it or write it. That was our school’s job.
Language and Vocabulary Development
Language development, including slang and the common usage of words in their proper context helps to expand vocabulary, particularly of food & kitchen-related items (which is also a great benefit of letting children help in the kitchen). For younger children, saying a word as you engage in an action (like stirring or cutting) helps enhance their ability to infer.
Listening Skills
How many of us are good at this? I mean, truly? All of us need work in this area I would imagine, so why not expose the kids to this virtuous trait early on? Yeah, I know, it’s possibly harder than programming a Space Shuttle for NASA, especially when the little foghorns hit the volume, but we can only try.
Learning how to listen is an enormously beneficial cognitive tool, helping kids follow and engages in conversations as they extract and exchange important and/or interesting information. They learn the commonly accepted (or not, in some cases!) values of politely talking in turn and not interrupting excessively.
I’ll bet most people haven’t really thought about all these aspects of a simple family meal. And it’s not over thinking it either – all of these benefits happen daily to various degrees. So take advantage of meal times. While you’re busy having a bit of fun, you can also be mindful that your example and counsel spread out over the years actually mean something.
Do you have any rituals in your family? I’d love to hear from you.
Bren x
Photo credit: Tan Nguyen Photography www.tannguyen.com.au/
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